Wednesday, May 05, 2004

An Open Letter to Dennis Miller (Part I)

Dear Dennis,

Dude, what is it with the synchophatic pandering every night? Okay, so CNBC gave you a live audience. You seem to be more worried about the applause now than the aplomb. Get off your high-horse, Denny. You're a star, you've made it, we love you, now quit lolly-gagging and rant.

I myself would never stoop to such tricks.

Your Fan and Brother,
The Raving Lunatic

[Click here to e-mail applause--now, I'm waiting!]

Idol Hands

Well, its official, I'm an idol worshipper. Now before you think, "Hey, he's hip! That's so retro, so tribal." That's not what I'm talking about. It's been quite obvious that I've been spending too much time wallowing at the altar of self-pity and self-love. The formula I used was really quite simple:

Idol of Self = I think I'm pretty great, you should too.

In reality, this is a formula for disaster. That wiley sage C.S. Lewis said (paraphrased): Put first things first and you'll get second things thrown in. Put second things first and you'll lose both first and second things. Basically, priorities count. This may sound not-so-retro, and perhaps a bit antiquated to modern ears, but I have to start putting God first.

Oh yeah, I know, you'll probably quit reading now. You're so sophisticated, so hip, next thing you'll be worried I'll start publishing tracts here. Nothing could be further from the truth. The goal here is to rave, rant, and let off steam. That's not changing. However, reality must burst forth once in a while. I cannot continue to worship self and expect things to go well.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Action - In-Action

Action precludes thought. I think that's the line from the recent Anthony Hopkins/Nicole Kidman sleeper (READ: snoozer) "The Human Stain". While the movie took away 2 hours of my life which I will never see again, that one line has stuck with me.

As my heart has grown heavy recently, I find that the heavier it gets, the less I do. Perhaps that is part of the problem. Activity itself may help allay certain wasteful fears, and unanswered longings. Sorrow and seclusion has not worked, perhaps busy hands will.

If you're reading this, thinking to yourself, "Man, what a bore, why doesn't he just get on with it and quit his whining?" Perhaps you're right. My tone of late has been overly whiny. However, the whole purpose behind this blog is to force me to write (not you to read). So, pardon my whine, I'll eventually get to the cheese.

Until that day...

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Spinning My Selfish Wheels

I've spent the last week fuming and fusing over human relationships, human frailty, human stupidity, and human mortality. Man, life would be great if it weren't for us humans.

Now before you think that I've gone over to the dark side and embraced the Matrix, or powered on SkyNet, let me assure you that I like being human--consider the alternatives. However, there are times when my arrogance and another's obtuseness clash, and here I find myself screaming for relief.

If you're looking to find answers here (especially today) you'll be terribly disappointed. I know they're there, and I'm not in the fits of depression or anything, but man, this week it just sucked to be me.

Okay, the pity party's over. Thanks for listening.