Sunday, April 25, 2004

Action - In-Action

Action precludes thought. I think that's the line from the recent Anthony Hopkins/Nicole Kidman sleeper (READ: snoozer) "The Human Stain". While the movie took away 2 hours of my life which I will never see again, that one line has stuck with me.

As my heart has grown heavy recently, I find that the heavier it gets, the less I do. Perhaps that is part of the problem. Activity itself may help allay certain wasteful fears, and unanswered longings. Sorrow and seclusion has not worked, perhaps busy hands will.

If you're reading this, thinking to yourself, "Man, what a bore, why doesn't he just get on with it and quit his whining?" Perhaps you're right. My tone of late has been overly whiny. However, the whole purpose behind this blog is to force me to write (not you to read). So, pardon my whine, I'll eventually get to the cheese.

Until that day...