Thursday, March 06, 2008

Conventional Thinkers Need Not Apply

Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. Freedom my @$$. If you don't tow the darwinian party-line you can forget about being heard in the science departments of today. I'm anxious to hear what ol' Ben Stein finds out on this issue. No big surprises really. Liberals simply want to take things over so they can shut everyone else out (because since they're right about everything anyway, why would you need a differing viewpoint?).

I'm not expecting athiestic/agnostic scientists to prove the existence of God, what I would like to see is the ability to admit one's underlying presuppositions and further admit how those presuppositions influence one's work. Science is observable and repeatable. Let's work on that, shall we? I don't care what you think you can prove, or what you want to believe. I want science to be science, not pseudo-religious darwinian demagoguary.

God made you. You know it (whether you admit to yourself or not). Get over it and do some real science.

- R. L.