Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Illegal Citizens Go Home!

I saw a story on the CNN website today about a 13-year-old girl (born
in the U.S.) whose illegal immigrant mother had been deported. This
is exactly why only the children of LEGAL immigrants/visitors/etc.
should be given the status as U.S. citizens. Why should anyone
dropped here illegally be considered a valid citizen just because
their parents cheated and thumbed their noses at the law? What point
is there in honoring illegal behavior with the prize of citizenship
for your offspring? I truly feel sorry for this girl, but quite
frankly why did she not return home to her mother's country of origin
with her? She is a minor after all.

We do welcome the huddled masses yearning to breathe long as
they enter legally. What's so hard to understand about following the
rules. And more to the point: Why should I feel guilty about sad
situations people bring upon themselves and their children? Do the
right thing and this won't happen.

- RL

Friday, March 14, 2008

Common Sense Can Triumph

There are many stories in the leftist city. This is one of them. They say that no man is as great a friend as a former enemy. David Mamet has made the move (along with other great former leftist/liberals like David Horowitz) to the side of common sense and intellectual honesty. Rather than attempt to explain his reasons for doing so here, read them yourself from his amazing article in The Village Voice: Why I Am No Longer A Brain-Dead Liberal .



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dreaming Big

Too often I whine and complain here (which is in part why I started this blog), but when I came across this video the other day I was simply inspired. How great to see someone pursue their dream and make it. How inspirational to hear this wonderful music, see the reaction of the audience (especially the judges) and be awed by the humility of the performer.

A triumph of the common man indeed.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Conventional Thinkers Need Not Apply

Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. Freedom my @$$. If you don't tow the darwinian party-line you can forget about being heard in the science departments of today. I'm anxious to hear what ol' Ben Stein finds out on this issue. No big surprises really. Liberals simply want to take things over so they can shut everyone else out (because since they're right about everything anyway, why would you need a differing viewpoint?).

I'm not expecting athiestic/agnostic scientists to prove the existence of God, what I would like to see is the ability to admit one's underlying presuppositions and further admit how those presuppositions influence one's work. Science is observable and repeatable. Let's work on that, shall we? I don't care what you think you can prove, or what you want to believe. I want science to be science, not pseudo-religious darwinian demagoguary.

God made you. You know it (whether you admit to yourself or not). Get over it and do some real science.

- R. L.