Monday, October 30, 2006

Dear Sandra: Activate This...

I didn't even have to read the entire article to know what she was
going to say, but reported today that ex-supreme Sandra Day O'Connor was a trifle upset at the label "activist judge" being applied to our judiciary (supreme or otherwise). So sorry, Sandy.

But, Sandra, it's not really your fault. It's ours. We Americans
are lazy. Let's face it. We harp about Al Gore's living, breathing,
copulating constitution. Rightly so. But Al's only half wrong. The
constitution does have a way to live on beyond the era of our
founders. It's called the amendment process. Problem is we're too
worried about Monday Night Football to deal with a lengthy
constitutional debate. Let's just turn it over to the judiciary.
We're getting what we deserve.

So remember, friends, when they come for you and yours I sure hope
you enjoyed the game.

- R.L.