Thursday, July 07, 2005

No Liberty for the Libertines

In light of the Islamic Terrorist bombing in London today, I thought I'd take a few moments to pen my thoughts on the issues of freedom.

We all know freedom isn't free--the cliche holds true. However, I'd like to focus further on what we actually do with that freedom. Rousseau wanted to force freedom upon the masses, however, his was a freedom of "action without restraint." This is not freedom. This is the way of the libertine. When we are free to do anything (or nothing) we are enslaved to our passions.

Many paint the Puritans of our past as black-wearing, dour, self-flaggelating haters of all things fun. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were a very passionate people. Passionate about their families. Passionate about their political freedom. Passionate about their spouses (just read some of their poetry--and be ready to blush). The were very passionate about their worship of God.

We could learn a great deal from the Puritans when it comes to freedom. They loved it. So should we. But they also knew that their freedom was no excuse for license. The very passions that drove them to create literary, political, and religious treasures could overwhelm and lead them into evil. Yes, I used the word "evil"--get over it.

We too face the challenge. Will we abandon all good sense in our pursuit of slavery to libertine "freedom" and lack of self-restraint or will we subdue our passions and enjoy true freedom within the limits of common sense? All men strive for freedom, but which kind we choose determines much about our families, churches, politics, and society.

Freedom without self-control is slavery to depravity.