Monday, June 27, 2005

Make Up Your Minds

I was just forced to listen to two tea-sipping twenty-something hippy-wannabees go on and on about how their sexuality isn't something they choose, yet it is. I couldn't tell from the conversation if this was a personal issue for them, or just something to drone on about, but it made me think about something. Don't we always hear from the secular left (yes, I'm generalizing here) that people don't make choices? You're born gay, you didn't choose it, right? Isn't the mantra of the homosexual lobby, "Who would choose to be gay in our intolerant society?" Yet, here these two are also wanting to justify their respective place in the universe by saying choices matter: I choose, I act, therefore I am (see J.P Sartre).

Amazing. Those who want to deny God's Sovereignty (because that obviously means we're just robots, right?), and strengthen their own, must at the same time deny their choices have meaning. Then, when that turns out to lead to despair and a lack of self-esteem/meaning, all of a sudden their choices have tremendous importance.

Make up your minds. Oh, wait, self-deception leads to double-mindedness. Check out some ancient guy's letter to a bunch of Romans. I think he talks about this in the first chapter or two.